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Movie Nights​

Each month, during the Fall and Spring semesters, BMI hosts  a Movie night for the community. BMI usually features a documentary that discusses ​a particular social issues. Following each film there is a robost talk-back session where participants are encouraged to unpack their thoughts egarding the film's contents.


Sometimes, instead of a film, BMI hosts a community forum/town hall centered on a specific topic or issue

Movie Night Dates and Times:


Movie/Community Issue Night Dates
September 25, 2019 @ 7PM
October 16, 2019 @ 7PM
November 20, 2019 @ 7PM
BMI Meeting Dates & Times:
September 10, 2019 @ 7PM
October 20, 2019 @ 7PM
November 12, 2019 @ 7PM

​​Call us:

301.314.7760 & 301.314.8439

Located at the Nyumburu Cultural Center on the campus of the University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742

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